Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Search for the Chairs

So I had my new table, but I didn't have any chairs to match.  What is a girl to do? Well, I went and searched for a few weeks. Finally, about a month after I finished my table, I found (what looked like the exact chairs that went to my table) at Habitat Restore!  There were 4 chairs for $8 each...not too shabby!

I swear, I truly think these chairs are from my table.  It was the same white paint and wood stain...so basically, my table and these chairs were also soul mates.
Again, being lazy, I didn't sand anything.  I even skipped the step of painting the brown paint over the white.  I simply painted over the white with the turquoise paint. 

I tried my very best to keep from getting paint on the seats.  I made sure I kept my Oops wipes beside me just in case...  Anyway, after I painted the turquoise, I let it sit over night.
The next morning, I decided I would use a dry brush with the brown paint, and basically dry brush to distress the chairs. 
I'm so glad I did.  I think they turned out great! 

 After the brown paint dried, which didn't take very long at all, I applied one coat of varnish. I hate to sand, so I just left the seats their original color and finish.  Maybe I will get tired of the two-toned wood and stain the seats, or maybe not...depends on my mood.

The varnish is pretty stinky, so I let them sit in my garage for a day to air out.  They look so good together and I'm pretty excited that I only spent about $60 on the whole project, including my paint/stain. I need to get a better picture, but you can somewhat see just how well they look together.

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