Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Turquoise Love...

Hello all, I am so excited you came to visit me on my blog.  I am completely new to this, so please do not judge too harshly.  As my bio states, I am currently working on decorating and making my new house a home.  Being on a tight budget, I've had to get pretty creative/crafty.  Without Pinterest and other amazing blogs like Our Fifth House and Whipperberry , I don't know what I would do. 
One of my first challenges in my new home was a dining table.  I have a formal dining room and a kitchen dining area...all new to me.  Moving into this house, we basically doubled our living space, which means most of my house is bare.  Back to my challenge...I needed a table to go in my kitchen, but didn't have very much in my budget to get one.  I found an amazing picture of a table on Pinterest and knew this was the table I wanted, and this table basically started my love affair with turquoise. 
Here was my new soul mate...It was truly love at first sight!  I loved the how the color popped and the distressing gave it so much character.  Just looking at it made me giddy :) 


I knew I had to have one of my own, so I set out to find one.  My mom, Carol, and I went out searching garage sales and resale shops, but I just didn't see anything that could come close.  We decided to run and grab a drink on our way home, and low and behold, we found an old warehouse with a bunch of junk out in front of it.  We started looking at the stuff, and that's when I spotted my table!  We whipped in, and ran straight to the table.  The man running the sale told us the sale was for missions, and with that being said, I was sold!  What a perfect way to get my table and give to missions all at the same time.  The table had a sticker of $20, but was pretty dirty and had a crack in the top, so he said he would take $15...score!!! I loaded the sucker up and took it home with me. 
(I forgot to take the picture before sanding the top, sorry.)
I immediately got to work sanding the top coat of varnish off.  After I sanded and cleaned the top, I painted the white legs with a dark brown paint to cover the white. I'm too impatient, so I didn't prime anything.  I just straight up painted a sloppy coat just to cover the legs and let it sit over night. 

 The next morning, I could hardly wait to get back to my new love.  I painted a coat of latex turquoise paint over the dark brown.  As I painted, I made sure that plenty of the brown showed in certain places.  I even took a rag and wiped some away. 
(I didn't completely have this covered yet)
After I had my distressed turquoise coat on, I let it set.  For the top, I used a cherry looking wipe off stain.  I just applied the coat, and wiped it off after about 10 minutes.  I had to repeat this step about 3 times to get the color I wanted. 

 When I got my color just right, I applied a varnish.  I used two coats of it. 

Here she is!  Isn't she beautiful?!!  I'm pretty excited for my $15 table.  All I need now are the chairs...

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