Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Hello Plaster Paint!

Last night a dear friend invited me to a painting technique class using Plaster Paint.  All I can say is WOW! I love this stuff, including the amazing wax!
I'm sorry about the bad pictures. My phone was broken, so I was using a loner phone.
This is what I made! It is painted with Plaster Paint's Espresso in the center and Native Stone on the outside. I did not wax the center so I could write on it.

Here is the white cabinet door that I started with. Not bad, but definitely needed some love.
Again, the paint is Plaster Paint. Espresso and Native Stone. It is so easy to use! It really sticks to anything, and it does not stink!
I started with the Espresso as a base color. I had to paint a few coats to make sure it covered well in the center. I didn't mind if it was completely covered around the sides.
I let it dry for about 10 minutes, but I would suggest you let it dry for a few hours so it sets. Since it was a class, I was limited on time. I had a little issue later on with the distressing since the brown wasn't completely set.
Next I painted the Native stone around the sides. I let that dry, then put one more coat on.
 I also put one more coat of Espresso on the center while my second coat was drying.
I didn't get pictures of the wax...sorry! It is clear, so I mixed some of the espresso color with it to give more of a distressed look. You paint it on, let it set for just a little bit, then wipe it off. It was so simple and easy. I think it turned out cute!
I'm thinking about adding some metal hardware from Hobby Lobby, but not sure exactly what, so you will have to check back and see the finished product.

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