Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Turquoise crazy

OK, so I have went a little turquoise crazy...just a bit. I have painted a few more things in my new favorite color.  I'm not really that crazy, and I didn't put them all into one room.  They each have a place of their own in different rooms. 

I used the same technique as I did on the chairs and table for these projects.

This was an ugly old dresser I got at a garage sale a few summers ago.  I paid $3.50 for this bad girl...and my husband said I spent way too much.  It was that ugly!!

Here are a few more things I painted...

I may have went a tad bit overboard on the color, but I think I've had my turquoise fix and do not plan on painting anything else this color...at least for a while.


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